Rent car Islamabad: Driving in PK, Tips For Tourists

· rent car Islamabad,rent a car,hire a vehicle
Rent car Islamabad

Renting a car in Islamabad can be an easy and convenient way to get around the city. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when driving in Pakistan. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to stay safe and avoid any accidents while driving in Islamabad.

What to know before you rent a car in Islamabad

Looking to rent a car while in Islamabad? Here are a few things to keep in mind before you hit the road.

First, be aware of the local traffic laws. There are some differences from what you may be used to back home. For example, honking is common and considered polite here – it's how drivers let others know they're coming through. Also, always yield to larger vehicles; they have the right of way.

Second, get comfortable with the local driving culture. This means understanding that traffic can be chaotic, and that drivers may not always follow the rules. That doesn't mean you should drive recklessly, but do expect other drivers to act unpredictably.

Finally, make sure you're familiar with the car you're renting. In Pakistan, most cars are manual transmission. If you're not used to driving a stick shift, it's best to practice before getting behind the wheel in traffic.

With these tips in mind, you'll be ready to rent a car and explore all that Islamabad has to offer!

How to get around Islamabad

There are a few ways to get around Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. You can either take a bus, rent a car, or hail a cab.

Buses in Islamabad are comfortable and air-conditioned, making them a great option for getting around during the hot summer months. You can purchase tickets at the bus station or from the driver. Be sure to have small bills as drivers do not always have change.

Taxis are another popular option for getting around Islamabad. You can flag one down on the street, or call ahead to book one. There are also Uber and Careem services available in Islamabad. If you choose to take a taxi, be sure to agree on a fare before getting in the car.

Renting a car is also an option, and is especially convenient if you are planning on doing some sightseeing outside of the city. You can rent cars with or without a driver. If you opt for a self-drive car, be aware that traffic in Pakistan can be chaotic and driving conditions can be difficult.

Tips for driving in Islamabad

If you're renting a car in Islamabad, there are a few things you should know about driving in Pakistan. Here are some tips to help you navigate the roads safely:

  • Drive defensively. With the increase in traffic, there are more accidents happening on the roads. Be extra cautious and always be on the lookout for other drivers.
  • Stick to the speed limit. The speed limit in Islamabad is 50 km/h, but many drivers ignore this. speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents, so it's best to just stick to the limit.
  • Watch out for animals crossing the road. It's not uncommon to see animals wander onto the road, so always be on the lookout for them.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. There are often beggars and hawkers on the side of the road trying to get your attention. Be careful not toGiving money to beggars only encourages them to continue begging, so it's best just to ignore them altogether.
  • Plan your route before setting off. With the increase in traffic, it's important to know where you're going before you start driving. This will help you avoid getting stuck in traffic jams

What to do if you get into an accident

If you are involved in a car accident while driving in Pakistan, there are certain steps you should take to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. First, if anyone is injured, call for medical assistance immediately. Then, move your vehicles to the side of the road if possible to avoid blocking traffic. Next, exchange insurance information with the other driver and file a police report. Finally, contact your insurance company to begin the claims process.

What to expect when renting a car in Islamabad

Whether you're planning a road trip through Pakistan or simply need a car for getting around Islamabad, renting a car is a great option. Here are a few things to keep in mind when renting a car in Islamabad:

  1. Driving conditions in Pakistan can be challenging, especially if you're not used to driving on crowded roads and in heavy traffic. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination, and take breaks as needed.
  2. Pakistani drivers are known for being aggressive, so it's important to be defensive when driving. Expect other drivers to cut you off, make sudden lane changes, and honk their horns frequently.
  3. Fuel is relatively cheap in Pakistan, so you don't need to worry about conserving fuel while driving. However, it's always a good idea to fill up your tank before returning the car to the rental company.
  4. Most rental companies will require you to purchase insurance before driving off in the car. This is mandatory in Pakistan, so be sure to factor this cost into your budget.
  5. When returning the car, be sure to inspect it for any damage that may have occurred during your rental period.


If you're planning on renting a car and driving in Islamabad, Pakistan, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a valid driver's license from your home country. Second, Familiarize yourself with the local traffic laws and be prepared to drive on the left side of the road. third, Be aware of the potential for terrorist activity in the area and take precautions accordingly. Fourth, When renting a car, be sure to get comprehensive insurance coverage. By following these tips, you can ensure that your experience driving in Islamabad is safe and enjoyable.